Our service team

When a team succeeds, it usually thanks its supporters first and foremost. And that's exactly what we want to do, too.

Our application advisers. Technical and tactical wizards on the sidelines – that's our hotline. 

Service is vitally important at Festool, and not just in Germany. Gottlieb Stoll House, named after our company founder, is the home of the Festool UK service team. The direct line to Festool is the first point of call when questions need answering, and not just for British tradespeople. Speed is important so that customers do not have to wait long for a solution to their problem. Service must be reliable and diligent to make sure the solution offered really satisfies the customer.

Goran Gelevski has worked at Festool for over 10 years and is one of the most experienced members of staff. There's probably not much he does not know – about both the latest tools and older models. You might think that's not very important for a hotline. But that's what makes Festool's customer service stand out, it's not just any old call centre. The employees also provide tips on the best way to use tools and accessories, they share their expertise on how to use consumables correctly for particular materials and offer help if customers aren't proceeding as they'd hoped in their work. The spectrum is wide. And Goran is prepared for anything.

"I treat our customers as I would want to be treated myself if I was on the other end of the phone. I am here to help; the customer's needs are my top priority."

Goran Gelevski, Senior Service Engineer, Festool UK

Our application specialists. They are constantly out and about, advising customers and providing motivational training.

From his base north of Berlin, Jörg Focking travels throughout the east of Germany. "I like being out and about," he says – and for him, that means visiting customers. His van is full to the brim with Festool tools, extractors and accessories. As an application specialist, he advises customers and is on hand to provide help and support. And vice versa: "It's not uncommon for me to learn from customers, too. It's a win-win situation for all."

One thing is perfectly clear: Festool tools can do a huge amount. But to fully unleash their potential, customers need to know how to use the tools and accessories optimally in the Festool system. Which sander is best for the job? How do you choose the right sanding pad and sandpaper? What about guide rails and angle stops? They make work much easier individually and together. Our application engineers know exactly what's what. And they offer an extra level of support, advising customers on making their workplace more efficient or improving health and safety awareness among employees. They are completely dedicated to their work: as application specialists, customer advisers and motivators.

"I enjoy supporting and advising customers because I know what our tools can do. But it's not uncommon for me to learn from customers, too. It's a win-win situation for all."   

Jörg Focking, Application Specialist, Team East, Festool Germany

Our repair experts. Getting everything back up and running (even veterans from the old days).

Our service employees demonstrate exactly what a full repair looks like at Festool every single day. The repair team work in France and the Netherlands, for example, and are all specialists that know every single Festool machine inside out. On one workbench, the inner workings of a sander are exposed down to the motor, while next door a compound mitre saw is taken apart expertly. Every Festool product has a model history; every machine has its own story. Naturally, only original parts are used for repairs.

No matter whether a brand new machine has fallen off some scaffolding or an "historic" Festool tool needs a little attention, the same principles apply: we developed the tool. We produced it. We know best how to repair it. It's not just a matter of simply rectifying a defect. The tools are thoroughly examined, calibrated and adjusted, and in most cases the machine is even deep cleaned. Festool provides a twelve-month warranty on repaired or replaced parts. This represents added value, which not only makes the machine happy, but the customer too.

"When I get a tool working again, I feel as happy as I would if it was one of my own. That's why we're here. And we'll always gladly go the extra mile."  

Ramtjinder Soekdew, Repair Specialist, Festool Service Netherlands

Our added value for you. Service close to the customer – direct, practical and comprehensive.

It goes without saying that Festool's approach of doing everything the right way also extends to service. Be it repairs or warranty cases, theft protection or spare part availability – we are your reliable partner, right by your side. Our dedicated service employees work at many different locations. For us, tools are not just tools, they are part of your work and your success. You can count on them over the tool's entire service life – which can be very long in the case of Festool products.

With MyFestool, you have even more direct access to our service. You can use it whenever and wherever you need to. Whether in the workshop, on the building site or at home, it gives you an overview of your tools and accessories 24/7, so you can request repairs unbelievably quickly and easily. As a MyFestool member, you also benefit from exclusive offers, competitions and events. It's simply unbeatable! 


You can find full details on MyFestool and our services here.