Karl Preisser with exoskeleton

Extra power please!

The ExoActive as a game changer.

Work faster, more concentrated and more effectively? 300 test customers were allowed to put the ExoActive through its paces for six months. The result? Enthusiasm, because after the pilot phase, it's clear that the ExoActive is a real game changer for customers. We met three testers and asked them about their experiences.
The ex oskeleton actively supports you so that drywalling, painting, wallpapering and installation work on walls and ceilings doesn't get difficult in the first place. The exoskeleton has been on the market since autumn 2023 - with success. Before the market launch, a test study was conducted in seven European countries (Germany, England, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) in collaboration with the University of Innsbruck. The participants actively applied to us and we selected them on the basis of their professional activities.

Maciej Hyd (Poland)

Maciej Hyd is co-founder of the Polish company BARRAT, which specialises in the finishing of houses and flats. For him, the ExoActive is revolutionary and enables more efficient and faster work.

What work do you use the ExoActive for?

Maciej Hyd: The ExoActive is an irreplaceable support when working with Planex, sanding walls and ceilings. It's also perfect for all jobs where you work with your arms raised for long periods of time.

If a friend were to ask you what you think of the ExoActive, what would your answer be?

Maciej Hyd: The ExoActive is an absolute game changer in the renovation industry - I can no longer imagine working without such irreplaceable support.

Maciej Hdy with exoskeleton

Karl Preiser (Germany)

Karl Preiser is the operations manager of LEHM360, specialising in interior fittings using clay as a building material. He swears by the exoskeleton and its health benefits for all assembly work.

What was the feedback from colleagues or outsiders on the construction site?

Karl Preiser: Despite many sceptical looks at first, the discussions with outsiders or other tradesmen were consistently positive. In the end, it's a good relief on the construction site that makes working more pleasant.

How would you describe the ExoActive in one sentence?

Karl Preiser: The ExoActive is a useful tool and a logical development in terms of greater professionalism and increased motivation in the trade.

Michael Powell at work

"Ultimately, it's a good investment in my health and that of my employees."

Karl Preiser

Melanie Freywald (UK)

Melanie works as a painter and decorator in the UK.

She uses

the exoskeleton for sanding and painting, which makes her work easier and supports her during strenuous tasks


what are the biggest benefits of using the ExoActive and what does it mean for you and your future work?

Melanie Freywald: I love how much longer I can work without my shoulders and arms getting tired


The exoskeleton allows me to paint large ceilings in one go, which is particularly useful for achieving a perfect streak-free finish.

The neck support plays a very important role here, as does the arm support


what was the best or most unusual moment with the ExoActive?

Melanie Freywald


Removing woodchip wallpaper from a ceiling was my highlight


This task would normally have taken a lot of time and effort. With the ExoActive, however, I was able to do it efficiently and conveniently - in just one day. I was really impressed!

Mel Freywald with exoskeleton
Plastering, sanding, painting - it is extremely popular when used for overhead work: 53 per cent of participants use the exoskeleton for overhead activities. One very positive effect is that around 79 per cent of participants feel less physical fatigue. 71 per cent of respondents need significantly fewer breaks and 74 per cent perceive a relief at work. In the long term, this relief can lead to an improved quality of life and to people being able to do their job more easily and without pain.