Florentin au travail

Florentin Lanceleur

Interview with a WorldSkills medallist

We met with Florentin Lanceleur, a 23-year old cabinetmaker who has dreamt of a career in woodwork since early childhood. For the past year and a half, he has been working as a trainer at the Dijon branch of the Compagnons du Devoir guild of artisans. He has travelled to Wales and to the island of Réunion to further his training and to experience different facets to his profession, as well as different techniques and cultures. In this interview, he shares his experiences of taking part in the WorldSkills competition, where he won the Medallion of Excellence.

What do you find the most fascinating thing about your job?

What I love most about it is the way an idea takes shape. After a couple of hours, sometimes even after a couple of days, the vision that was in your head has actually become a reality and that is the most fulfilling aspect of the job. What's more, you create something that is going to last a long time. That is what motivates me every day.
Florentin au travail

How old were you when you realised you wanted to be a cabinetmaker?

I don't know that there was a particular turning point or an age when I said "that's what I want to do," but when I was about 10 or 11, I asked my parents for a cordless drill for Christmas, and that planted an idea in their head as to what I might want to become. Since I've been working as a trainer, I've found myself dealing with various professions (roofers, bricklayers, masons) and you find yourself asking: Why wood? Wood is very attractive – having different types of wood and patterns gives you a lot of freedom, which makes you question what would be best or most beautiful. I used to romanticise, and many people still do, about this image of a woodworker planing wood, surrounded by wood shavings. When I'm feeling annoyed or bored, I grab a piece of wood, pick up my planer and start making shavings. I find that helps me to relax.

What's your relationship with alternative tools?

I have always been a tool lover. Quite apart from my passion for my job, I was always fascinated by tools, and I still am, whether hand tools or power tools.
I have always loved scouring flea markets and second-hand sales for woodworking tools and getting them back into shape. Today that's a real passion and I can't get enough of it. I always try to go further and discover new techniques. For me, the tool itself is really important. Some people say that a chisel is an extension of the human hand, and that makes sense to me, when you're standing at the workbench with a piece of wood and your tools, and you have to create something from it and transform the material. Well, that becomes a lot harder if you have the wrong tool or you're not well prepared. That's why I spend a lot of time taking care of my tools and why I always try to get the best tools and keep them in the best condition.

Do you prefer to work with hand tools or power tools?

The great thing these days is that you can have the new machines and technologies, the accessories that are made with them and that make life simpler and make work more comfortable, such as cordless machines, Bluetooth® connected dust extractors, and still appreciate what was made before. It is the combination of both, that enables us today to develop our skills and react to everything that day-to-day reality throws at us in this business.
Florentin au travail

What do you like best about Festool tools?

The most interesting thing about Festool is the peace of mind it brings. When you buy a machine from Festool, you know that it will keep going, and that it is precise. If ever there are problems, spare parts are available. And then there's also the versatility with the cordless machines, which are so easy to operate. We've got Bluetooth® technology that connects to the dust extractors. Festool is highly innovative and that's what motivates me to kit my workshop out with tools from Festool. I know that these tools never have any problems and they will always be the best of the best.
Florentin au travail

Why did you take part in the WorldSkills competitions?

For me, the idea of applying for the WorldSkills competition was primarily an excuse to work towards a goal. But most importantly, I told myself: "The main thing is to enjoy it. If things go well, that's great, and if they don't, it doesn't matter."

So from the outset there was no pressure, and at the end, it was just sheer joy. I took part in the regional heats and made it through, which was really cool. Then, I went into the French Championships, with the same mindset, telling myself: If I win, then that's great. And if I don't, that's fine too, because I had still evolved, learned and met new people. And it was precisely this way of thinking that ultimately saw me meeting former contestants, who I now know really well and consider good friends. That really helped me to form relationships that are more than just professional and I learned so much.
Florentin au travail
I was lucky enough to go to the French championships, to take part as one of 12 or13 participants and to swap experiences and ideas with them, which was really enriching.

I had never imagined I would win the title of French Champion. That was a dream for me, one I had thought was unattainable. I am grateful I was part of the French team, that I trained week in, week out, prepared myself physically and mentally and worked towards the goal of representing our country.

I was really mindful of how fortunate and privileged I was to be one of the lucky few to share this WorldSkills experience. It gives me such pride and it's something I'll remember for many years to come. It's something I wish everyone could experience.
Florentin au travail

What I love most about being a cabinetmaker is the way an idea takes shape. After a couple of hours, sometimes even after a couple of days, the vision that was in your head has actually become a reality and that is the most fulfilling aspect of the job.

Florentin Lanceleur, cabinetmaker and winner of the Medallion for Excellence at the WorldSkills competition

Florentin au travail

What have you learned from this experience?

If I were to sum up my experience in this competition and especially the international stage of the world championships, it is ultimately the strive for excellence, not perfection – because that is unattainable – but rather the desire to always go a bit further, a bit faster and to do it all as well as possible. This feeling is very special, because it takes time, and sometimes you might not make it. There were a lot of challenges along the way, and it is an internal marathon of telling yourself you can do it, keeping going and always trying to push through to the next stage. I loved this feeling, but I couldn't have handled it for months on end, because by the end, this constant urge to always do better starts to wear you down, because it is so difficult to achieve. It is something that benefits me now in my day job, because I had certain expectations and once you've fulfilled those, it's easy to rest on your laurels. This competition is one of the few opportunities to push our skills to the limit.
Florentin au travail
This striving for excellence can make it hard to appreciate what you have; it forces you to get yourself prepared and to find a source of support.

You have to work on yourself a lot, that's for sure. Because when you've been working on something for hours and it still doesn't work, sometimes you just want to give up. You have to brush yourself off, focus on your goal, keep going and tell yourself you can do this, because others before you have managed it, and you will too.

And then there's the support of your family, friends and the people that motivate you. We are representing our country, so we can't allow ourselves to make mistakes, and that is precisely what spurs us on the whole time.

While it is of course a professional adventure, it is primarily a human adventure, because I would never have made it through without all the support of those people telling me I can do it and that they are proud of me.

Would you recommend the Festool brand to your acquaintances?

Festool is a brand I can definitely recommend. For anyone who's just starting out or simply wants excellent working conditions, Festool is perfect.

Festool represents longevity, quality workmanship and, above all, problem-free machinery. And in the unlikely event of a problem, these are easily remedied thanks to spare parts and a warranty. It is an excellent investment, no matter what happens.

What are your plans for the future?

I have always believed that if you want to progress in life, you have to set yourself goals. For me, that goal used to be the competition. Right now, it's to pass something on. In the future, it might be setting up my own business. The most important thing is to find your goal, to give it your all, to motivate yourself, and to do it all with a smile on your face and passion in your heart. And ultimately, hard work always pays off, so there is no reason not to do it.
Florentin au travail
*The Bluetooth word mark and the logos are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.; they are used under licence by TTS TooltechnicSystems AG & Co. KG and therefore by Festool GmbH.