Two carpenters working with the Festool portable circular saw

From love to wood

Two carpenters – one passion. A visit to the Allgäuer Holzliebelei joinery.

When Lisa Marie Martach and Ricarda Mayer approach a project with their joinery and interior design company, Allgäuer Holzliebelei, they create unique furniture from reclaimed wood and solid wood with passion, skill and ingenuity. We went to visit the two creative carpenters in the Allgäu region of Bavaria.
Two carpenters examining wood for the next project

Treasure hunting in the reclaimed wood store

The Allgäu region of Bavaria is at its best today. Lush green as far as the eye can see, cows grazing in the pastures, and the surrounding mountain landscape is a picture postcard of an early summer idyll. However, we – contrary to the almost four million tourists who visit the Allgäu every year – are not here for rest and relaxation. We're meeting the two founders of Allgäuer Holzliebelei, a relatively new joinery company based in Isny in the district of Ravensburg.
Two carpenters examining wood for the next project
We walk together towards their reclaimed wood store. Countless wooden beams are just waiting to be discovered here. "An old piece of wood has by no means reached the end of its life," says Ricarda. "Most of the beams come from demolished barns. Some have already been around for a few decades, or even several centuries." Lisa and Ricarda are on the lookout for particular wooden beams for their next job. It is almost reminiscent of a treasure hunt when the pair walk through their store. 

"Our work breathes new life into reclaimed wood in the form of unique pieces of furniture. It's a crying shame when wood ends its story as firewood for the stove."

Ricarda, master carpenter at Allgäuer Holzliebelei

"Reclaimed wood is definitely our favourite type of wood," says Lisa, her eyes lighting up. "Our work saves it, keeping it alive in the form of individual pieces of furniture. It is our mission to create something new, beautiful and sustainable out of reclaimed wood. It's a crying shame when a piece of wood with so much history ends up as firewood for the stove."
Two carpenters examining wood for the next project

"Putting ourselves in our customers' shoes"

Before creating any new furniture, the two carpenters pay a visit to today's customer, Marco, at his home. This way, they can gain an overview and get to know the customer better. Later, Marco comes to see the pair in the planning office in Isny to discuss the first designs of the bathroom renovation over a cup of coffee. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, almost informal. That's down to the office's furnishings: A modern design, paired with traditional materials, making it the perfect place for personal discussions with customers. For Lisa and Ricarda, that is a decisive moment: "That's the only way we can put ourselves in our customers' shoes and fulfil their individual wishes 100%. It is an important part of our concept, whilst also making one of the biggest differences between our pieces of furniture and the ones you buy off the shelf."
Examining materials for the next project
The carpenters from Allgäuer Holzliebelei inspecting the materials