The principles guiding our actions

Our responsibility towards society

Behaviour with integrity plays a significant role in our values.

Awareness of responsibility – the basis of appropriate behaviour

Festool understands and is aware of its social responsibility. Festool stands by its involvement with society. It is therefore only natural that it should respect and protect human rights and advocate fair competition. Festool expressly speaks out against every form of forced labour and child labour.

We expect the same of our customers and business partners.

Festool created its code of conduct to provide its employees and business partners with an overview of its key principles. The values and principles that it has established are obligatory for all employees and lay the foundation for our behaviour in daily business. They are also intended as guidelines for our business partners. The code is also available below for download.

Particular emphasis is placed on the following principles:

Adherence to the law

Festool expects all of its employees to know and adhere to all laws and other regulations that are relevant in their working environment. This also includes the current version of guidelines that have been drawn up and implemented within Festool.

Fair competition

All employees are required to always use fair means to accomplish the company objectives. They will not, therefore, make any agreements with competitors, customers and/or suppliers that are aimed at preventing or restricting competition. Competitive freedom is always to be respected.

Fighting corruption and bribery

Our employees are familiar with ethical standards and comply with them in their everyday work. In particular, they are prohibited from unlawfully influencing third parties in business transactions. They are disallowed from demanding or accepting gifts or bribes. To ensure this, Festool has drawn up its own guidelines and engages its employees in regular training sessions.

Any questions?

Please feel free to contact the Compliance Officer directly:

Tel.: +49 (0) 7024 804 20256
