Service unit VE-CT
for CT 26/36/48 in combination with compressed air module
Item number 577409
Items included
- pressure controller
- condensate quick discharge
- oiler and oil-free compressed air outlet with quick coupling
Pressure regulator and oiler in one.
In order to use compressed air sanding tools, e.g. LEX 3 150, a specific pressure and a specific amount of oil is required. The VE-CT service unit is perfect for combining this in a mobile system. The service unit mixes air with small amounts of oil. This lubricates components, such as the discs in compressed air sanders, and gives connected compressed air tools a longer service life.
- Combi unit comprising pressure regulator and oiler
- Addition of quick coupling for an oil-free compressed air outlet
- Easy to adapt to CT 26/36/48 in LE version
- Solid construction for good protection
- for operating air tools
Main applications
- For controlling pressure in compressed air-tools
- Integrated oiler for lubricating compressed-air tools
Technical Data
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