The Festool dust extraction system

Work dust-free

Everything you need to know about workplace health

Dust in the workplace is a nuisance – especially as it poses a health risk. Dust extraction systems are therefore not merely optional but essential. We have put together all the essential information for you.

Dust concentration

There are maximum allowable concentrations for harmful dusts in the workplace. These define the maximum concentration of dust in the air we breathe, at which no negative health effects would be expected during a 40-hour working week.

Dust categories

Dust categories are crucial. They indicate the suitability of any given dust and the specified maximum allowable concentrations (MAC). And they define the corresponding filter system's required degree of filtration.

Dust class L: Non-hazardous, harmless dusts such as house dust, plaster and lime. MAC > 1 mg/m³, filter system degree of filtration > 99%

Dust class M: Harmful dusts such as cement, filler, renders, paints and varnishes. MAC > 0.1 mg/m³, filter system degree of filtration > 99.9%

Dust category H: Pathogenic dusts that are carcinogenic (such as asbestos, arsenic and lead) or are contaminated with bacteria, germs or mould. MAC > 0.1 mg/m³, filter system degree of filtration > 99.995%

The dust categories

Dust volumes

Sanding drywall in a 90 m² apartment produces up to 54 litres of dust! No one would ingest or inhale an amount such as this by choice – no matter how concentrated, coarse or harmful the dust released may be.
Dust volumes when working without a Festool mobile dust extractor


1. Coarse dust particles are generally caught by the nasal hairs or the mucous membranes of the nasopharyngeal space but can cause diseases and irritation there too.

2. Fine dust particles which are inhaled can penetrate as far as the alveoli (air sacs) and cause serious diseases, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis or even cancer.

3. Harmful dusts in the air can – depending on the pollutant content – also cause irritation or allergic reactions of the skin.

Harmful dust particles when working on construction sites

Dust-free with a system

Festool has the right mobile dust extractor for every application, to suit every dust class and every site of use. No matter whether you're working with the large and powerful CT 48 for workshop areas or the small CTL SYS that you can easily take up on scaffolding when slung over your shoulder: Combined with a SORTAINER and SYSTAINER, mobile dust extractors become mobile workstations.

Dust-free with a method

With Festool, the mobile dust extractors are perfectly designed to work alongside the power tools. The dust is extracted directly at the tool – exactly where it is produced. A positive side effect: Working dust-free significantly extends the life of the machines and consumable materials.
The Festool extraction system
How the Festool mobile dust extractors work


During the cleaning interval, a vacuum draws air through the main filter. The accumulated dust comes loose and falls into the container.
The lid on Festool mobile dust extractors

A clean machine

Quick and simple replacement of the main filter and filter bag without using any tools.
The Festool filter bag

Disposal bag for use with an extractor with AUTOCLEAN function

Perfect for dust extractors with automatic dedusting, e.g. when used with the PLANEX long-reach sander or for dust extraction of coarse dirt and chippings. Dust-free disposal via a lock on the disposable bag.
The Festool filter bag

SELFCLEAN filter bag

Prevents the formation of dust thanks to a self-cleaning effect and is sealed prior to disposal for maximum health protection.