When removing mould, Marco Müller always wears a protective suit and never works without the class H extractor.

With mould there can be no cheating

Mould removal with professional competence

Mould infestation indoors is not only inconvenient, it's also extremely dangerous to health. The mould needs to be removed professionally and carefully. Marco Müller and his father Wolfgang are adamant. And for good reason.
Encountering mould is no fun at all. Marco Müller has already made that clear. We meet at the painting business in Lahr where his father Wolfgang founded the business exactly 25 years ago. Marco is as old as the company itself – so actually still rather young. Following his training, he worked as an apprentice for three years, then completed a master apprenticeship as a full-time student and finished top of the class. At the end of 2020, he completed the "Mould course" by the Bundesverband Schimmelpilzsanierung [Federal Association of Mould Remediation]. A thick folder of guidelines and regulations is lying on his desk. "Theory is good, but most of what you need to know comes from practical experience," explains Marco Müller. And he has gained so much of this in recent years that one folder would be completely inadequate. The young master wants to share this experience with us. Together with his father, he takes us to a nearby construction site in an apartment block on the outskirts of Lahr. The walls and ceilings of the room in question are for the most part covered in stains of various shades – from grey to green and brown to black. On the ceiling, we can see smears where somebody has provisionally tried to contain the mould infestation: "Futile and practically negligent," Wolfgang Müller comments, shaking his head.
When removing mould, Marco Müller always wears a protective suit.

Mould removal requires professional competence

"There are two factors that play a key role in mould removal," explains Marco Müller: "One is the comprehensive diagnosis and damage review; the other is the competent assessment as to which necessary measures are required." That sounds easier than it is – if you consider that there are hundreds of different types of mould, visible and non-visible, in the plaster or throughout the brickwork, in more or less sensitive environments, in private or public spaces... Exceptional professional competence is essential here. And professionalism does not simply mean a guarantee. With the Müllers, you can rely on both.

Recording damage and determining the necessary measures

"In many cases, the entire extent of a mould infestation only comes to light when we, as experts, really get to the bottom of the situation," explains Marco Müller. To do this, he has an agent-style suitcase containing his "secret weapons": Two hygrometers; Three moisture meters for walls that measure accurately and at depth. The digital thermal imaging camera is extremely important as it features a display showing the extent of the moisture in the walls. "With it, we can see exactly what is going on under the surface and where the critical places are where the moisture is penetrating or spreading," according to Müller. At the same time, it is not always easy to confront those affected with the diagnosis and convince them of the need to take the corresponding measures. The seriousness of the situation is often underestimated. "I remember when we discovered a mould infestation in a nursery," recalls Wolfgang Müller, "and the teacher thought she'd have to limit teaching for a couple of weeks. In actual fact, the entire nursery had to be evacuated and all the fixtures and fittings had to be disposed of. Our estimation that the mould remediation could take an entire year turned out to be true."
The extent of the mould infestation can be seen on the display of the thermal imaging camera.

"I think it's extremely important to provide high-quality work, but the most important thing is the health of my employees."

Wolfgang Müller

Marco Müller has everything he needs for the professional removal of mould in his work vehicle.
Marco Müller has everything he needs for the professional removal of mould in his work vehicle.
The RG 130 surface-restoration grinder is equipped with the appropriate diamond disc for removing the infested layers.
The surface-restoration grinder is equipped with the appropriate diamond disc for removing the infested layers.

Careful, efficient and, above all, healthy working

Compared to the sensitive environment of the nursery, where the painting company had to install costly channels, shafts and ventilation systems, mould remediation in the apartment mentioned above is childsplay. However, it is carried out with the same level of professional care. This is because there is no doubt that there is an imminent danger. It looks a little bit overkill when Marco Müller and his employees turn up for work in the full gear. This includes a protective suit with a hood, respiratory mask, dustproof safety goggles, shoe covers and gloves. Only when dressed like so are they allowed to enter the inside of buildings infested with mould. Wolfgang Müller sets a good example: "I think it's extremely important to provide high-quality work, but the most important thing is the health of my employees."

Make work easier with the right system

Marco Müller is now preparing the surface-restoration grinder. The CLEANTEC CTH 26 mobile dust extractor with dust class H and HEPA main filter is an absolute must when extracting hazardous dusts. The machine springs to life at the push of a button and the extractor starts up. The material removal capacity is huge and the results are clear to see. Mould remediation is hard work, but it's much easier with the right tools and an efficient dust extractor. We can only assume that Marco Müller is happy about this under his respiratory mask. But after the work is done, he is full of praise. For him, Festool is an integral part of the family business – and if we take a look in his van, the entire Festool painting family seems to be gathered inside. "I get excited about the machines," he explains, "whether it's the new PLANEX long-reach sander, the mobile dust extractor or the working light ." And his father Wolfgang adds: "What has always fascinated me about Festool is that fact that the individual tools along with everything else is perfectly coordinated as part of one system." Two master painters are absolutely adamant about this. Systematically. Not just for mould remediation. And for good reason.
When removing mould, Marco Müller always wears a protective suit and never works without the class H extractor.

Wolfgang Müller painting company

Wolfgang Müller founded his own painting company in Lahr in 1997. Today he employs around 15 people. His son Marco is paving the way for the future as a young boss. In addition to undertaking challenging interior designs and façade work, the painting company is also in demand as a certified mould remediation specialist.
Wolfgang Müller and Marco Müller