Designs of the carpentry MebS Meble

Precision down to the final flourish

Ever wanted to travel through time? Those seeking the spirit of the past will truly alive at MebS in Poland.

Solid wood carvings and other ornaments are the hallmarks of this traditional furniture style, which originates from Poland. We visited the MebS furniture joinery and watched the experts at work.
The MebS furniture team gives us a warm welcome to Sierakowice, a small village of 7000 inhabitants near Gdańsk in Poland. The joinery and carpenter's workshop has called this place home for over 20 years. Furniture is still made by hand here, employing the techniques passed down from the workshops of the old city of Gdańsk, or Danzig as it was previously known. Gdańsk has a long history of furniture making – indeed, the city first started making furnishings in the 18th century. Even back then, the workshops produced opulent pieces of solidly built furniture, typically featuring intricate embellishments, curved shapes and lavish ornamentations inspired by the Baroque style prevalent at the time. The primary materials included high-grade kinds of wood such as walnut, ebony and rosewood.
Carpentry work in the workshop of MebS Meble

Everything comes together

Once all the pieces have been cut, the furniture is assembled. Another Festool product is used to do this – the DOMINO joining machine with DOMINO dowels. "DOMINO dowels help us build strong, sturdy furniture. The wooden dowels can't be seen from the outside, so they don't alter the appearance of the carvings. They provide a firm hold and prevent twisting," says one of the joiners about putting the pieces together. DOMINO dowels can be used in two different ways – either with or without play. The MebS team always attach the dowels in cupboards and chests of drawers with a certain amount of play. This enables them to move the front part or the side panel, for example, to bring it into the correct position before gluing it in place. This technique is a traditional one, albeit one that has now been made easier thanks to today's power tools and dowels.
Working with the Festool router OF 1010

The soul of a long-standing tradition

"Our requirements have changed over the years. It wouldn't be possible to produce the standard of quality customers expect in the time frame they want without using modern-day hand tools. The furniture would be exorbitantly expensive," explains one of the workers in the joiner's workshop. Nevertheless, the company stands out from others on the market by refusing to use off-the-shelf computer-based solutions of any kind. The proud professional won't even hear of it: "When woodworking is done by computers, the end product is basically 'lifeless'. It loses all its character. It's proper manual workmanship that gives furniture its charm." It is for this reason that MebS's first port of call is always a carving tool or a handheld router. "Our furniture has soul. You can feel it," says one of the wood carvers at the end of our tour. It's thanks to furniture workshops like MebS that customers can still enjoy the beauty of furnishings in the old Gdańsk style today. Thoroughly impressed with their craftsmanship and unique carvings, we leave the workshop and set off for home, brimming with new understanding.

„The OF 1010 router is the perfect tool for routing. The precise setting makes it possible to reproduce the contours of shapes exactly.“

Bartlomiej Jóskowski - owner of MebS Möbel

Working with the Festool router OF 1400

Experience is the ultimate benchmark

Then our tour moves on to the beating heart of MebS – the joiner's workshop. This is where woods of different kinds wait to be turned into carvings or items of furniture. Woodworking is in the MebS team's blood, and you really get a sense of this walking through the workshop. "Everything comes down to the quality of the wood; you can see it in the finished products. By now, I can tell at first glance whether or not a material is suitable for our work," says Jóskowski. The main challenge becomes apparent when looking at a cutting template: The intricate motifs such as leaves and faces need to be transferred onto the wood with the utmost precision and delicacy. "The OF 1010 and OF 1400 router are the perfect tools for routing. The precise setting makes it possible to reproduce the contours of shapes exactly, which is what we need for our cutting templates," explains one of the workers. This is why the owner only employs professionals who have a wealth of previous carving experience. Wood carvers are trained to pay attention to minute detail and take great care in their work. Professional carpenters are hard to find, so Bartlomiej Jóskowski looks for staff from all over the country. This means that wood carvers from the most distant parts of Poland frequently come to work in Sierakowice. Despite the sculptors' different backgrounds, the workshop cultivates a homogeneous style. "This results in pieces of furniture that look as though they were all made by the same person," emphasises Jóskowski proudly.
Carpentry work in the workshop of MebS Meble
Carpentry work in the workshop of MebS Meble