Tech Talk: SawStop-AIM-technology
An interview with the developers of the new TKS 80
Andreas Sdrzallek (pictured on the left) manages the development team in the Czech town of Česká Lípa, the development site of the new table saw.
Matthias Kübeler (pictured on the right) is Head of Advanced Development at Festool and responsible for the development and integration of the SawStop-AIM-technology.
What makes the SawStop-AIM-technology so special?
That sounds impressive. But how exactly does the SawStop-AIM-technology work?
The SawStop-AIM-technology is the first feature of its kind in Europe.
That does not mean customers no longer have to concentrate on their work…
How big is the team working on the TKS 80? And what are your roles?
MK: The great thing is that it's not just the two of us working on the TKS 80, but an entire international team. There are more than 30 people involved in the development of the new table saw. It was largely developed in Česká Lípa with support from colleagues in Wendlingen and from SawStop in the USA. As for my part, I'm responsible for the integration of the SawStop-AIM-technology.
AS: I'm Head of Development at the Česká Lípa site and responsible for team integration and the provision of resources needed for development. The hardware and software designers are based here in Wendlingen. I'm responsible for coordinating the communication between the different sites.
What was the collaboration like during the project?
MK: For this project, there was a great deal of team spirit across all sites from the very start. Everyone was simply incredibly motivated to integrate such a fantastic technology into the saw and make it available for tradespeople.
AS: We found it really motivating to develop a product that would make work much safer for tradespeople.
"Users always need to work carefully and must never become negligent. The technology is simply a last resort, just in case something does go wrong."
Andreas Sdrzallek, Head of Development at Festool s.r.o.
How many sausages were sacrificed as test dummies?
Is it possible to retrofit the SawStop-AIM-technology on other Festool saws?
Aside from the SawStop-AIM-technology, the new TKS 80 is also pretty good at sawing, right?
Do you involve our customers in the development of the table saw?
AS: Definitely! Together with colleagues from Application Technology and Product Management, we go out to our customers, ask about their requirements and incorporate the feedback so that we can implement their wishes as much as possible.
MK: We are happy about any and all feedback we receive as part of surveys or during trade fairs. We try to incorporate this feedback in the next steps of the development process. But there comes a certain point in the development where the feedback phase is complete and the tool is being finalised.